
October 2019 - Release notes

October 4, 2019 Custobar news

October 2019 - Release notes

October 2019 release of Custobar contains mainly bug fixes and performance improvements in preparation for the next major feature update.

In addition to the bug fixes and performance improvements the following additions have been made to the user interface.

Email template designer

You may now use a built-in template designer to tailor new modules for your messages. The editor is accessible at Email template settings.

Template Designer

Future improvements of email template designer will include the ability to create custom headers and footers.

Email module visibility

You can now choose audiences to be shown in the email module visibility list, instead of showing the audiences pinned to dashboard.

To choose an audience, go to the Customers / Audiences section and edit the properties of an audience.

Customer merge

You may now search customers in the customer merge dialog to find the exact customer to be merged to the viewed customers.

Customer Merge Finder