Webinars and Events

Webinar: Shopware X Custobar – lunch and learn

Written by Custobar | Jun 13, 2024 11:08:42 AM

In the webinar, you’ll learn about using customer data in marketing and meet Shopware partner Custobar, the omnichannel marketing automation and customer data platform (CDP).

If your clients are looking for a CRM, CDP, email marketing or a marketing automation tool for Shopware 6 eCommerce, this webinar is for you. With Custobar, you have all those in one platform.

We will be talking you through the following in the 40-minute recording:

  • What is Custobar CDP?
  • How can Custobar help Shopware clients?
  • Use cases and Customer success stories
  • Partnering with Custobar