Meta custom audiences

Meta custom audiences for smarter, cheaper and more efficient marketing campaigns

Every social media marketer has felt the costs of the death of the third-party cookie: Meta ad prices have gone up and targeting accuracy has gone down

 And it’s all not just down to how browsers and operating systems are blocking the use of third-party cookie data. Strict data protection policies and the general awareness of the need to protect your personal data play a part as well.

We have the answer and can promise you
  • a safe and GDPR compliant customer matching
  • the possibility to create targeted and personalised campaigns using customer data from all touch points
  • higher ads conversion with smaller budget

These promises are easy to make and keep, because the customer data that the Custobar Customer Data Platform (CDP) and Marketing Automation tool collects in real time into one 360-degree customer view is based on the use of first-party data. That is data controlled or owned by your company, not by Facebook/Meta! The identified customer data you have is the most valuable asset you have, and not the least because Facebook cannot access it on its own.

There are a host of other benefits in using the Facebook Custom Audiences that will keep your customers engaged and happy to be doing business with you.

  • Since customer data can be automatically updated from Custobar to Facebook (Meta), it is easy to remove customers who already made a purchase from retargeting. There are not many things so infuriating to a customer than getting ads about things they just bought. If nothing else, it’s dubious to your brand and reputation.
  • You may have customers who have not given permission to do email marketing. The Facebook Custom Audiences is a great way to reach them in another way.
  • You can create lookalike audiences, audiences similar to your existing customer base, based on the data on your best customers or utilising your customers’ purchase behaviour.

Use case examples

The real competitive edge that the Custobar Customer Data Platform (CDP) and Marketing Automation tool has, apart from the use of 1st party data, is the ability to have access to all customer data from all channels and all touch points, even physical stores, and always in real time. This data can then be utilised to, for example:

  • Removing customers who already made a purchase from retargeting campaigns. Even the ones who bought at a physical location.
  • Activate customers who don’t react to your other channels, like email or SMS.
  • Reaching customers who have forbidden email marketing.
  • Remove those customers from your myMeta marketing who already respond to your other marketing channels to optimise your marketing budget.
  • Acquiring new customers using lookalike audiences.
  • Targeting customers at different stages of their customer journeys.
  • Targeting customers whose data is no longer stored by the Facebook/myMeta pixel.