Customer satisfaction survey

Monitor and increase customer satisfaction with the Custobar survey

Understanding customer satisfaction is crucial for driving business growth and improving the overall customer experience. In fact, asking for customer feedback after a purchase, for example, should be an essential part of customer experience improvement of your business.

By leveraging Custobar’s powerful customer satisfaction survey, businesses can

  • build useful, comparable performance metrics
  • receive continuous feedback on performance and customer expectations
  • take relevant action steps to improve and rectify
  • utilise survey data to enhance the customer experience

The customer satisfaction survey allows you to collect feedback using an NPS-compatible (net promoter score compatible) survey, with scores and open feedback. The data is seamlessly added to customer profiles in Custobar, providing a holistic, 360° view of their journey. With the survey results integrated into Custobar’s marketing automation possibilities, you can personalise customer communications, automate workflows, and reward loyal customers.

By actively listening to customers, resolving issues and making the overall experience better, businesses can foster long-term loyalty and drive sustainable growth.

Features of the Custobar customer satisfaction survey

Here's what you can do with our customer satisfaction survey, and some extras. The basics, first:

  • Use email or SMS as survey channels.
  • Get clear and visual statistics of the given feedback numerically and in written form.
  • The possibility to export the results to an external system.
  • Act on negative feedback immediately. Custobar can trigger a contact request to customer service automatically if a customer gives low scores.

And the, the extras that you may not get elsewhere (at least easily):

  • An easy access to the development of the satisfaction index as well as to any specific comments and ratings the customers have given.
  • Since Custobar gets customer data from all touch points, including physical stores. With the inbuilt automation tools and many integration possibilities, triggering the surveys based on sales or other touch points is easy even if and when you send them from a different tool.
  • Having the customer satisfaction survey results inside the Custobar CDP and marketing automation tool means that they can either use automations or ad hoc campaigns (unsegmented or non-automated campaigns) to, for example, reward people who have given good reviews.

Of course, any and all customer satisfaction survey results will always be added to the customer’s data and timeline in the 360-degree customer view.