What data is imported from MyCashFlow into Custobar?

Do you need to know in more detail what data is imported from MyCashflow into Custobar when you use the MyCashflow integration?

In the following tables you can see which fields are updated to Custobar from the fields available in MyCashflow and how they are mapped.

Customer data fields
Product data fields
Sale data fields
Newsletter subscribers


Customer data fields

Custobar field MyCashflow field Notes
external_id id  
mycashflow_id id  
first_name first_name  
last_name last_name  
email email  
phone_number phone  
company company  
vat_number vat_code  
country country  
street_address street_address  
city city  
zip_code postal_code  
country country  
can_sms sms_subscription Show's whether the customer is an SMS marketing subscriber.
date_joined created_at  
mycashflow_version_id version_id Optional, can be turned on/off in the integration settings
mycashflow_login_allowed login_allowed  
mycashflow_customer_group customer_group - name Name of the customer group is fetched. If the name of the group in MyCashflow in changed, customers need to be re-imported into Custobar to update the group names.

Product data fields

Custobar field MyCashflow field Notes
mycashflow_id id  
title name  
description description  
price price  
brand brand.name  
ean barcode  
category_id category_links  
mycashflow_version_id version_id  

Sale data fields

Custobar field Shopware 6 field Notes
sale_shop_id {storename}.mycashflow.fi  
sale_mycashflow_id id  
sale_date created_at  
sale_shipping shipping  
sale_shipping_method shipping_method  
sale_customer_id customer_id  
sale_customer_company customer_information.company  
sale_first_name customer_information.first_name  
sale_last_name customer_information.last_name  
sale_street_address customer_information.street_address  
sale_zip_code customer_information.zip_code  
sale_city customer_information.city  
sale_country customer_information.country  
sale_email customer_information.email  
sale_phone_number customer_information.phone  
sale_state status  
sale_rows sale_rows  
sale_mycashflow_version_id version_id  
sale_mycashflow_sale_discount discount  
- campaign_id - campaign_id  
- code - code  
- coupon_id - coupon_id  
- type - type  
- value - value