What data is imported from Lemonsoft into Custobar?
Do you need to know in more detail what data is imported from Lemonsoft ERP into Custobar when you use our Lemonsoft integration?
In the following tables you can see which fields are updated to Custobar from the fields available in Lemonsoft and how they are mapped.
Customer data
Custobar field | Lemonsoft field |
external_id | number |
first_name | Splitting name by " " and taking the first part |
last_name | Splitting name by " " and taking the last part |
phone_number | phone |
city | city |
zip_code | postal_code |
street_address | street |
country | country |
language | language_code |
vat | vat |
Product data
Custobar field | Lemonsoft field |
external_id | id |
title | name |
sku | sku |
price | price |
ean | ean_code |
Sale data
Custobar field | Lemonsoft field |
sale_external_id | id |
sale_date | order_datetime |
sale_customer_id | customer_number |
sale_first_name | Splitting customer_contact by " " and taking the first part |
sale_last_name | Splitting customer_contact by " " and taking the last part |
sale_email | customer_contact_email |
sale_country | customer_country |
sale_phone_number | customer_contact_phone |
sale_street_address | customer_address |
sale_total | total |
sale_exchange_rate | currency_rate |
sale_currency | currency_code |
For sale_rows | |
- external_id | -id |
- unit_price | - unit_price |
- quantity | - quantity |
- discount | - discount |
- total | - total |
- product_sku | - product_code |
- product_title | - product_name |