User guides

Sales view

Written by Custobar | Jun 12, 2024 3:08:24 PM

You can search for all the sales transactions in your company with different search criteria like store, product type or timeframe. You can use either text field to run a search or search filters on the left of the screen. Sales searches can be saved and used in more complex campaign target group definitions.

You can search sales based on the content of the bought shopping cart, for example the brand or bought products.

You can also write your search criteria with “ “ symbols in order to narrow down the search to only exact match to that phrase.

As soon as you click ‘Search’, the KPI section and the customer list is updated reflecting your search result.

Sale detail view

You can drill down a single purchase, its date, total sum and all the other details saved in the Custobar by clicking the ID code above of the transaction.

In this view you can see all of the products that were included in the sale and the customers address and basic information.


  • Total = Total amount of the purchase
  • Shipping = How much was the shipping cost
  • Discount = What was the discount for this shopping cart e.g. loyalty program discounts and discounts from sale.

By clicking on the customer's user name, you can go directly the customers individual record.