User guides

In-store interface

Written by Custobar | Jun 12, 2024 1:59:06 PM

Custobar offers a simplified interface for finding and managing customer information.

This view is called the In-store interface.

The main benefit of the In-store interface is to provide a quick way for sales personnel to find and manage customer information either at a point-of-sale (POS) system or on their tablets.

This interface is particularly useful in a configuration where Custobar works as CRM, meaning that modifications to a customer profile in Custobar will synchronize and update the data in all other systems as well.

The core features of the In-store interface are:

Finding customers by any stored field

The interface allows you to search for any value in the indexed Custobar fields. The most likely matches will automatically come up as the search gets refined. Finding a customer profile is a swift and simple process which is very important for sales personnel when being able to find the right profile right away can be crucial in providing a positive customer experience.

Registering new customers

The In-store interface can be used to rapidly register a new customer to the Custobar database, which is an essential step in being able to utilize both online and offline shopping activity.

Updating information of existing customers

New email or different postal address? The customer profile can be edited in a few clicks: Search for the right profile, open the 360° view, click the edit button and use the form to update the relevant information.

Tailored search form

The customer search form can be configured to best suit your needs.

Ability to add custom buttons for linking to other company systems

Should you need to use the In-store interface in combination with other systems, it is possible to configure some extra buttons so a single click will link to the other systems for faster service and a great customer experience.

Full access to the customer 360° view

As explained in the points above, the In-store interface allows users to access the customer 360° view in a few clicks. This view can also be configured based on the role of the user viewing it. This can be particularly useful if the fields relevant to the sales personnel are different from the fields that are interesting for a Marketing agent or an Admin user. More information about the 360° view layout configuration can be found here.

The In-store interface is an optional feature that can be activated for your Custobar environment. Should you want to start using it, please contact