User guides

How to connect several MyCashflow versions (stores) with Custobar?

Written by Custobar | Jun 12, 2024 1:53:46 PM

Let’s get everything ready in your MyCashflow store

Before you activate the integration in Custobar, you need to complete a couple of tasks:

  • Contact MyCashflow support and let them know that you will start using Custobar. They should provide product feeds for all the different MyCashflow versions you want to connect with Custobar.
  • Create a new API user in MyCashflow and copy its password. Follow the instructions below:
  1. Follow MyCashflow’s guide to create an API user (API-käyttäjä) and copy the API user password (rajapinta-avain).
  2. Write down both the API user and the password.

Activate the integration for importing customers and sales

Next, you need to log in to your Custobar environment.

  1. Go to Settings -> Integrations -> Available integrations.
  2. Find “MyCashflow multi shop” from the list, and click “Install”.
  3. Fill in the required fields:
    • The domain name of your MyCashflow shop
    • The API user (API-käyttäjä) you created and noted down in MyCashflow
    • The API user password (rajapinta-avain) you created and noted down in MyCashflow.
  4. Click "Authenticate." Integration's detail page will open up
  5. Toggle on all the data sources you want to use, out of Customers and Sales. Initially, they all are disabled. After choosing the data you want to import to Custobar, click "Save."
  6. Your data should start flowing in nicely now. You can view your datasources and their latest activity from Settings -> Datasources.

Activate the integration for importing products

  1. In Custobar, go to Settings -> Integrations -> Available integrations.
  2. Find "MyCashflow Products Feed" from the list, and click "Install."
  3. Fill in one of the product feed URLs you have received from MyCashflow support.
  4. Click "Authenticate."
  5. Your product data should start flowing in nicely now. You can view your datasources and their latest activity from Settings -> Datasources.
  6. Repeat for all of your product feeds!