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How to connect my WooCommerce store to Custobar?

Are you looking for how to import customer, sales and product data from your WooCommerce store into Custobar? This guide will instruct you how to activate the WooCommerce integration and where to get the WooCommerce plugin.

Install the WooCommerce integration, get the API key

  1. Go to your Custobar environment and head to Settings -> Integrations -> Available integrations.
  2. Scroll down to WooCommerce, and click “Install”.
  3. A pop-up window opens. Click “Create” to create the API key you will need to complete the WooCommerce plugin installation.
  4. Click on the API keys tab:

WooCom API keys

  1. Click on the WooCommerce API key name:

API key name

  1. Click on the “Reveal” button:

Reveal API key

  1. Copy the token starting with “API…” and note it down. You will need the token later on to finalise the WooCommerce plugin installation.

Install the WooCommerce plugin

  1. Download Custobar’s WooCommerce plugin from Github.
  2. Follow the installation instructions in the Readme document.
  3. You will need the API token that you copied from Custobar in step 7.