The touchpoints in your customer's timeline are key to identifying their interests and try to drawing an accurate profile of who they truly are. Let's see how you can generate more touchpoints on your website and send them automatically to Custobar.
Goal pages
Goal pages rely on the custobar.js tracking script and a list of regular expressions that match the request path. In plain language, this means whenever someone browses your website and reaches a specific page, a touchpoint is created and sent to Custobar.
This can be used for many scenarios, for example gathering all the times a customer clicked your blog post on the top 10 outfits to wear this summer, get a touchpoints for those clients who tried to get in touch with the after-sales team, or how many people reached the "find out more" page about your upcoming webinar.
As you might have gathered from the examples above, this Goal page features is a lot more versatile than the standard BROWSE event as the page does not need to feature a specific product, but the logic is very similar. You could consider this feature as an expansion of the basic BROWSE events tracking.
This might still be pretty abstract, so let's take a concrete example: We want to create an event PAYMENT_UNSUCCESSFUL if the customer is reaching the url /checkout/failed/
Go to the settings of your Custobar environment
Open the tracking menu.
Scrolling a little bit, you will find the Goal pages section.
Here is how we would configure our Goal pages settings:
Once this is done, the snippet of our .js tracking script is automatically updated. At this stage, the script can be copied and installed on your site as was done for the initial set up.
The customer is identified through the normal means (registration, log in) or in case of an anonymous visitor, through the first party cookie should they land on the website via a Custobar newsletter or email message.
Once live, the script will push those custom events to Custobar automatically when a customer reaches the path we specified, and those touchpoints will enrich your existing timeline. Each of those touchpoints can further be used to segment audiences, trigger campaigns automatically and many other applications!