User guides

Get started with Flow

Written by Custobar | Jun 12, 2024 12:57:54 PM

To get started with Custobar’s Flow feature, we have set up a series of guides for your benefit. In this article, we will focus on the possibilities of Flow, how to start planning your first path, and where to get started in Custobar once you are ready.

Read on to uncover best practices to design and create paths that enable best-in-class customer journeys and impressive conversion.

The possibilities of Flow

Flow is a powerful feature for creating an outstanding customer experience with minimum effort. It allows you to visually layout customer paths that lead your customers to a wanted business goal. The paths you create are automated, which means you do not need to worry about creating separate audiences for your campaigns. When customers enter a path, they travel along with it according to the filters you have set and receive personalized campaigns based on their behaviour.

With Flow, you can create paths that, for example:

  • Increase your new customer conversion
  • Nurture your customers based on their preferences
  • Activate your passive customers
  • Track your customer happiness
  • Update customer information (e.g. add tags or enriching information)

Plan your first path

The possibilities of Flow are endless, and to get started with planning, you only need to have an idea for your path. We have assembled a few tips to help you with planning the steps on your path:

1. Set your goal and targets

It is easier to navigate when you have a clear goal in mind. The goal tells you what the purpose of your path for your business is. After you have set yourself a goal, you can start planning the steps towards that goal.

2. Know your audience

With Flow, your audience is determined by the trigger for the path. Anybody who hits that trigger becomes a part of your audience. You may not have much information about those customers, but you may have an idea of their motivation, and how you can help them with their challenges. For new newsletter subscribers, you could offer a range of products, and based on their clicks and browses, you could reach them with even more personalized content, or a discount code on specific products.

3. Document your steps

Start sketching and consider elements, such as when your customer enters the path and what are the steps that move them towards the goal. Do you need to split the path according to your customers’ reactions and how much time will you give your customer to react to your action? Does your customer give you valuable information about themselves at a specific moment, and should that information be updated to Custobar?

4. Don’t run before you can walk

Although it may be tempting to use Flow to support more complex automation, we recommend you first focus on more straightforward paths. The more you learn about the basics of what you can do with Flow, the further you get. You can also get familiar with our ready-made templates to get you started faster with your paths.

Build your path to Custobar

You can find Flow as a new tab in your Custobar environment. Clicking on that tab will take you to the Flow interface, where you can access your paths, create new ones, and check your statistics from the activity logs.

You should also check our guides that cover detailed instructions to build and activate your first path. Start your journey by learning how to create a path and what are flow nodes.