User guides

Email preferences management

Written by Custobar | Jun 12, 2024 11:24:22 AM

Custobar's email preferences management feature consists of two main parts. First, mailing list management gives email subscribers more control over what emails they receive and marketers more control over what mailing lists they show. The second feature, the unsubscribe reason survey, allows email subscribers to voice why they are unsubscribing and gives marketers insight into why customers opt out of their email messaging.

Where do you find the email preferences management settings?

In your Custobar environment, go to Settings - Email preferences management.

Language settings

Edit the mailing list and unsubscribe reason survey settings separately for each language you want to use in your email communications.

The language version of the email preferences presented to a customer depends on the language attribute in that customer's data. If the language field does not exist or the value is unspecified, the email template’s language becomes the language shown to the customers.

Preview your changes

To preview your changes, save them first and then click on the “Preview the saved version” link at the bottom of the page. You can preview each language separately, so pay attention to which language tab you have active.

Mailing lists

The mailing lists feature is inactive by default as not all companies wish to use or show them. Please get in touch with if you'd like to activate it.

Your customers, the email subscribers, can easily view and manage which email lists they belong to. Here’s an example of the customer’s view:

Marketers can choose which mailing lists to show to email subscribers and give the lists a clear display name.

Once the mailing lists feature is active, you will automatically see a list of your mailing lists in the settings. On the left column, you can see your mailing lists by the names they have been titled in Custobar, and on the right column, you can give them a new display name, a title you wish to show to your customers when they pick and choose which lists they want to belong to.

How do you edit the mailing lists?

  1. You can edit the mailing lists for each language separately, so pay attention to which language tab you have active.
  2. Tick all the mailing lists you wish to show your customers and delete the unnecessary mailing lists from this view with the bin icon. Note! Deleting lists from this view does not remove them from Custobar.
  3. Give each one of your mailing lists a title you wish to show to your customers.
  4. Save your settings by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.
  5. Repeat for each language you want to use in your emails.

Unsubscribe reason survey

People unsubscribing from your mailing list always leave you wondering the reason for the sudden break-up click. Luckily, customers unsubscribing are now presented with a set of choices asking the reason for not wanting to receive more emails. The default choices given are:

  • I no longer want to receive these messages
  • I’m receiving these messages too often
  • The content is not relevant for me
  • The messages look like spam and should be reported as such
  • Other, or I do not want to specify

Improving your campaigns by learning from unsubscribers

Unsubscribe options are essential for gathering information about the causes of unsubscribing and course-correcting email campaigns. You can, for example, improve your content based on the feedback you get in your unsubscribe report or win back the customer to continue subscribing to your mailing list by offering them to receive fewer messages.

It's also helpful to see which email campaigns were the ones that got people to unsubscribe the most.

How does the unsubscribe reason survey work?

The unsubscribe reason survey is on by default for every email campaign. You can switch it off in Settings - Email Preferences Management if you prefer not to ask for the reason for unsubscribing.

If you choose to turn the unsubscribe survey off, please update the text below the toggle so that it no longer mentions the survey.

Unsubscribe reasons report

When you want to see the results, the "Unsubscribe report" can be found in the "Campaigns" menu.

One-click unsubscribes can't collect unsubscribe reason

Good email-sending practices require that unsubscribing is possible also within the email header. This way of unsubscribing is known as a one-click unsubscribe. While it makes unsubscribing very easy for the recipient, it's impossible to ask for the reason for unsubscribing in these cases.

How do you identify one-click unsubscribes?

One-click unsubscribes also appear in Custobar as MAIL_UNSUBSCRIBE events. One-click unsubscribes never contain the reason for unsubscribing because there’s no way to ask it from the email recipient. Instead, you can see that the source of the event is “one-click”.