API documentation


Written by Custobar | Jun 12, 2024 4:28:17 PM

A shop represents a single sales location, either a brick-and-mortar store or a e-commerce site.


Mandatory fields

Field Type Description
external_id string Your unique identifier for the shop.

Optional fields

Field Type Description
name string Name of the store.
email string Email address.
shop_type string "offline" for brick-and-mortar stores and "online" for webstores and other online properties.
phone_number phone_number Phone number to the store, e.g. +358101234567.
street_address string Street address of the store, e.g. Main Street 123.
city string City that the store is in, e.g. London.
country country_code Two-letter country code, e.g. GB.
is_hidden boolean Determines whether the shop is hidden from the user interface; defaults to false.


To upload new or changed shop information, you may pass them to Custobar using a HTTP POST command, e.g.

curl -X POST -u USER -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-binary @shops.json https://COMPANY.custobar.com/api/shops/upload/

The shop objects must be provided as a list, wrapped into a JSON object, with a key shops, as shown in the example below.

"shops": [
"external_id": "BAKER-STREET",
"name": "Baker Street Boutique",
"shop_type": "offline",
"city": "London",
"country": "GB",
"COMPANY__opening_hours": "24/7"