API documentation


Written by Custobar | Jun 12, 2024 4:20:27 PM

A sale represents a single line item (row) in a transaction with a customer.

A transaction is created within Custobar by combining all the information in the sale rows having the same sale_external_id. Each sale row holds information about the bought product, quantity and sale price.

The transaction-level information (e.g. the customer made the purchase) is supplied with one or multiple sale rows in addition to its product information.

Transaction-level fields

Transaction-level fields apply to the entire purchase regardless of which sale row the information was supplied, the transaction-level fields are prefixed with sale_.

Mandatory fields

Field Type Description
sale_external_id string Your unique identifier for the entire transaction which includes all the sale rows. Must be included in all sale rows.
sale_date datetime Date of the sale, e.g. 2017-08-28 or 2017-08-28T14:10:00Z. If the timezone is not given, the timezone will be defaulted to the timezone configured in the Custobar's settings.

The customer making the transaction is identified by supplying at least one of the customer identifying fields external_id, phone_number or email. These fields should be prefixed too, thus email becoming sale_email, etc.

Customer field Sale field
external_id sale_customer_id
phone_number sale_phone_number
email sale_email

Optional fields

Field Type Description
sale_currency string The currency, in which the sale was made. Must be defined together with sale_exchange_rage.
sale_discount money Discount that applies to the purchase as a whole, e.g. a discount of 5.00 € should be passed as 500.
sale_exchange_rate number Exchange rate from the sale_currency to default currency in Custobar. Must be defined together with sale_currency.
sale_payment_method string Your identifier of the payment method used.
sale_shipping money The added shipping cost in cents.
sale_coupon_codes list of string Any coupon codes that have been used in the sale.
sale_shipping_method string The added shipping method.
sale_shipping_in_currency money The added shipping cost in cents. sale_shipping_in_currency can be defined instead of sale_shipping when sale_currency and sale_exchange_rate have been defined.
sale_shop_id string external_id of a shop where the purchase was made.
sale_state string A sale state, one of "NEW", "PENDING_PAYMENT", "PROCESSING", "COMPLETE", "CANCELLED", "CLOSED" or "HOLDED". Sales in special states "CANCELLED" or "CLOSED" are not included in the statistics. If omitted, the sale is treated as "COMPLETE".
sale_total money The total price of the transaction in cents, e.g. 950.00 € should be passed as 95000. If sale_total field is missing, sale total is calculated as sum(sale row total fields) - sale_discount.
tags [set][] of string Tags assigned for this Sale.

Sale-row-level fields

Mandatory fields

Field Type Description
product_id string external_id of a product sold.
quantity number Quantity of the product sold. Supplying double value is supported, but it is rounded to precision of two decimal places using the normal rounding rules, e.g. a value of 0.003 will become 0.00.
unit_price money The price of a one unit in cents. Unit price of 1795.00 € should be passed as 179500. The unit price is a price of a single item, before discount has been applied.

The products listed in the sales are linked to the products in Custobar's database by matching the product_id in the sale to the external_id of the imported products.

If there is no product in the database matching the product_id of the incoming sale, a product with that ID will be created along with the sale, and the details listed in the sale (title, price, etc.) will be copied to that new product.

In case a product_id is not included in the sale, Custobar tries to find a matching product using the sku and ean fields instead, and link the sale to that product.

If the sale does not include product_id, but includes a sku or ean, but a matching product is not found, Custobar will create the product, but it will give it a synthetic external_id, composed of the ean/sku in the sale. Note however, that if the product matching that sku/ean is later imported to Custobar, it won't be matched to this product with the synthetic id. So, if the system that is importing sales to Custobar does not have access to the proper product_ids, it can use ean/sku instead to identify the sale. But, in this case, it's important to import the products first, so that the matching products will be found at the sales import time.

You can also skip the sending of values in the field unit_price and instead send in the sale_total for the whole sale transaction as well.

Optional fields

Field Type Description
external_id string Your unique identifier of sale row.
product_sku string An identifier which uniquely identifies the product. In case sales or events do not contain a product_id, Custobar will try to look for product_sku or product_ean field to connect the sale or the event with the product instead.
discount money A discount of 0.50 € should be passed as 50. Both the positive and negative value is calculated towards a discount.
total money The total price of sale row in cents.
unit_price_in_currency money If the sale_currency is defined, the price may be given in that currency, instead of unit_price.
tags [set][] of string Tags assigned for this Sale-row.

If total field is not supplied, the value of a sale row is calculated as (unit_price * quantity) - discount.

Company-specific fields

You may add additional fields, that are company specific by prefixing them with a company short name and a double underscore __, e.g. COMPANY__pos_id. The company specific fields apply to the entire transaction and are not sale row specific.

Company specific fields are searchable in the Custobar user interface.

Providing sales in currency other than the default currency

You may send sales in some other currency than the default currency defined in Custobar settings. To do so, you'll need to send

  • sale_currency - The currency in which the sale occurred.
  • sale_exchange_rate - The exchange rate to the default currency. The formula is unit_price_in_currency / sale_exchange_rate = the price in the default Custobar currency.
  • unit_price_in_currency - The price of the sale row in sale_currency.

Canceled / Returned sales

While different ERP and eCommerce systems manage returns / canceled sales differently, our best practice is to mark the returned / canceled sales with the sale_state value CANCELED.
With this state, Custobar will not calculate the returned sale as a conversion and the revenue is removed from the aggregated total revenue.
Please note: This is the best practice for the case where the entire sale is canceled.
If only one sale row of the sale is canceled / returned, then you can update the price of that sale row to 0 and mark the sale row with the tags value CANCELED.


To upload new sale, you may pass them to Custobar using a HTTP POST command, e.g.

curl -X POST -u USER -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-binary @sales.json https://COMPANY.custobar.com/api/sales/upload/

The product objects must be provided as a list, wrapped into a JSON object, with a key sales, as shown in the example below.

The example represents a single transaction with two sale order rows.

"sales": [
"sale_external_id": "1000",
"sale_customer_id": "A501",
"sale_date": "2017-12-01T13:11:23Z",
"sale_shop_id": "1",
"sale_discount": 0,
"sale_total": 5160,
"sale_payment_method": "Credit Card",

"external_id": "1000-1",
"product_id": "SKU0435",
"unit_price": 1200,
"quantity": 1,
"total": 1200,

"COMPANY__sales_person": "3"
"sale_external_id": "1000",

"external_id": "1000-2",
"product_id": "SKU3429",
"unit_price": 2080,
"quantity": 2,
"discount": 200,
"total": 3960
"sale_external_id": "5000",
"sale_exchange_rate": 1.112,
"sale_currency": "USD",

"external_id": "5000-2",
"product_id": "SKU3429",
"unit_price_in_currency": 2080,
"quantity": 2

This example is sent in without a unique ID for the sale rows (external_id) which then connects all rows to one sale using the sale_external_id field.

"sales": [
"sale_external_id": "1000",
"sale_customer_id": "A501",
"sale_date": "2017-12-01T13:11:23Z",
"sale_shop_id": "1",
"sale_discount": 0,
"sale_total": 5160,
"sale_payment_method": "Credit Card",
"product_id": "SKU0435",
"unit_price": 1200,
"quantity": 1,
"total": 1200
"sale_external_id": "1000",
"product_id": "SKU3429",
"unit_price": 2080,
"quantity": 2,
"discount": 200,
"total": 3960