Custobar blog

New Omnibus price feature for more transparency in sales campaigns

Written by Custobar | 3. August 2023

The Omnibus directive requires merchants to inform consumers about the lowest price of a product within 30 days alongside discounted prices or discount percentages. Thanks to a new feature, you can soon show the historically highest and lowest prices in your Custobar campaigns!

The new price points come from the EU’s Omnibus directive, which requires merchants to display consumers the lowest price point of their discounted product in the past 30 days, or in some cases in the past 60 days. The Omnibus directive is set to enforce consumer rights by modernising EU consumer protection rules. This involves introducing stronger enforcement measures and increased transparency requirements. 

Improve price transparency

You can improve the transparency of your pricing, showing up to three more price points in your campaigns.

Lowest price in 30 days

In all of its simplicity, this is the lowest price of a product in the past 30 days. You must show the lowest price to the consumers alongside a discounted price or percentage. In this example, your customer can see that your current discounted price has in fact been the lowest price of the product within the past 30 days!

Price before a long-term campaign

Has your campaign lasted more than 30 days but less than 60 days, and the product price has decreased progressively? In that case, you can show the product's lowest price 30 days before the first discount. In the example above, the price of the product has gone down gradually for more than 30 days but less than 60 days. With this solution, the EU is helping you: there's no need to update the lowest price in the middle of a long-term campaign.

The highest price in 30 days

Has your product's price fluctuated and increased in the past? In that case, you might want to show the highest price point to your customers as well. In this example, your customers can see that the book has been more expensive in the past 30 days and the current discounted price is the lowest price that’s been available!

Show Omnibus prices in your campaigns

The new Omnibus price data fields and changes to the email campaign template designer will be available in all Custobar environments on August 18, 2023 the latest.

To show the new prices in your email or other campaigns, import the price information from, e.g., your e-commerce store or another source of product data into Custobar and edit your campaign template to show the new Omnibus price fields.