Custobar blog

Laura Ek is Custobar's new CEO

Written by Custobar | 20. March 2024

After Tatu Kuivalahti has led Custobar successfully for a decade, Laura Ek is taking over the CEO role at Custobar. Tatu directed Custobar to significant growth and will continue supporting the company as an executive advisor and board member. Laura's appointment signifies a new era for the company, bringing fresh perspectives and innovative leadership. Before becoming CEO, Laura served as Custobar's Chief Operating Officer (COO) for almost six years, where she played a crucial role in enhancing operations and fostering growth. Her deep understanding of Custobar's operational intricacies and strategic vision has paved the way for her leadership as CEO. Reflecting on her new role, Laura states,


"Stepping into the CEO position is both an immense honour and a profound responsibility. My commitment is to spearhead scalable growth, aligning closely with our strategic objectives while staying true to the core values of Custobar's identity."


On the transition, Tatu expresses,


"Passing the torch to Laura feels right. Her vision for Custobar aligns perfectly with our foundational principles, and I am confident in her ability to lead the company toward even greater achievements.”