
August 2019 - Release notes

August 19, 2019 Custobar news

August 2019 - Release notes

August 2019 release of Custobar contains mainly bug fixes and performance improvements in preparation for the next major feature update.

In addition to the bug fixes and performance improvements the following additions have been made to the user interface.

Define exported fields for external actions

You may now define multiple sets of columns for the external action file exports. For example, one set may contain the customer id, email address and the name, while other may contain the id and the phone number and any number of your custom fields.

To define the exported types, go to "Settings" / "Ext action".

Additionally, to protect customer data, exporting the customer list is now limited to 30 days.


Shared customer data

Custobar supports now shared data between customers. Typically the shared data would be for example the loyalty level related information, or customer's company and its address information.

The shared data may only be entered or updated once and reflected to all related customers.

For more information about the shared customer data, please contact Custobar support.

Single recipient in automated emails

You may now define a single recipient email address for your email automation. This means, that all the automation messages are sent to a single email address.

This feature is useful for example in automations, where you would like to have for example customer satisfaction survey responses with certain score sent to for example to your own customer support for possible service recovery.

Single recipient

The configuration is available in the automated email activation tab, hidden under the horizontal ellipsis, as it is a non typical use case.