
Transforming data into actionable insights and boosting email marketing succes

Written by Custobar | Jun 11, 2024 9:29:58 AM

PharmaMarket is an online pharmacy that is part of Antverpia, a pharmacy chain with 11 branches in Antwerp, Flemish Brabant and East Flanders, Belgium. Antverpia Pharmacy, founded in 1959, has grown into a thriving group of 11 pharmacies and a pharmaceutical wholesaler. 2013 PharmaMarket, their online pharmacy, was established to meet the increasing demand for convenient online purchases of care products, pet food, and medicines.

With over 32,000 products from 900 brands, PharmaMarket offers a wide range of options, including major care brands, nutritional supplements, and alternative therapies.

Boosting efficiency with an all-in-one solution for email marketing, marketing automation and segmentation

Even before adopting Custobar, PharmaMarket's Marketing team actively engaged in email marketing. However, they faced limitations with their standard newsletter tool. Managing data, such as opt-ins, became problematic. Furthermore, the setup was overly complicated, lacking segmentation functionality. This meant manually generating newsletter lists in another system and uploading them into the tool. Additionally, the tool's marketing automation fell short for PharmaMarket. Consequently, they embarked on finding a comprehensive platform that integrates email marketing, marketing automation, and segmentation.

Data-driven insights for targeted campaigns and enhanced email marketing

By leveraging Custobar, PharmaMarket has unlocked the potential to transform their data into actionable insights. The quality of their data has improved significantly, equipping PharmaMarket with a robust customer database to drive their operations. The once problematic opt-ins are now accurately displayed, and the synchronisation between Custobar and PharmaMarket’s e-commerce platform operates seamlessly.

With all customer data consolidated in a single platform, accessibility is effortless, and customer segmentation is data-driven and remarkably simplified. This empowers PharmaMarket to identify which products customers have purchased within specific timeframes, enabling them to craft targeted campaigns based on this knowledge. Particularly, Custobar’s RFM Matrix has proven invaluable in gaining profound insights into customer behaviour and purchase patterns.

PharmaMarket’s remarkable results with Custobar

Since implementing Custobar, PharmaMarket has experienced significant improvements in its email marketing key performance indicators (KPIs). Here are some noteworthy examples of their successful campaigns.

Customer reactivation campaign

PharmaMarket effectively re-engaged 4,000 customers by specifically targeting those who had not made any purchases in the last six months. Through personalised emails, PharmaMarket strategically reached out to these inactive customers, enticing them with attractive discounts for their next purchase and reigniting their interest. This remarkable outcome speaks volumes about the immense power of targeted marketing strategies.


Next Purchase Campaign

PharmaMarket sent reminder emails to customers, prompting them to repurchase a product when it was estimated to run out. With a total of 90,000 emails sent, the newsletter achieved an activation rate of 1.22% and drove over 1,100 customers to purchase within three days of receiving the email.

The implementation of both campaigns resulted in a significant 80% increase in Customer Lifetime Value.

Custobar's Support Team empowering PharmaMarket's success

PharmaMarket acknowledges the expertise of Custobar's support team. Not only do they attentively address customer concerns, but they also demonstrate excellent organisation. Prompt responses and effortless resolution of issues are their forte.

Engaging unresponsive customers and expanding services

Even though PharmaMarket already successfully runs targeted campaigns and their personalisation approach pays off, there are more ideas for further developing their marketing efforts.

Engaging customers who are unresponsive to emails or haven't given consent to receive marketing messages poses a challenge for retailers, including PharmaMarket. However, by leveraging Custobar's Facebook Custom Audiences, PharmaMarket can effectively reach out to these specific customers and successfully engage them.

Custobar offers additional features that PharmaMarket is exploring, including product recommendations and a customer loyalty program. These enhancements not only improve the quality of service but also provide valuable benefits to customers.