
M Room uses Custobar to serve their customers better

Written by Custobar | Jun 11, 2024 12:18:55 PM

There are three main reasons why M Room, a high-quality barber services and products company for men, has been using Custobar since 2018: usability, pricing, and being simply the best marketing automation platform for customer service businesses. 


For M Room, implementing Custobar has

  • Raised email marketing open rate to 60 % and click conversion to more than 30 %.
  • Shaved 5 minutes off of membership purchasing customer’s service time freeing time for more important and profitable customer services. In a company with more than 50 000 customers per month and more than 20 000 members just in Finland, these five-minute-saves-per-membership are game-changing.
  • Increased customer satisfaction with automated reminders when membership is ending, which was something that customers asked for.

Challenge – finding flexibility, usability, and the right price

M Room has disrupted the barber business from the start. Since its establishment in Finland in 2008, the company has wanted to revolutionize both the business and its customer experience. It has successfully done so across Scandinavia, Europe, and the US. M Room is the biggest barber chain in Europe with more than 75 shops and a webstore. The company needed an easy-to-use, adaptable marketing automation system, that would suit the specific needs of a company with both brick-and-mortar stores and e-commerce.

Custobar easily made the cut for M Room.

“Custobar is perfect for a B2C business. Both pricing and adaptability to our needs is great. Easiness to use was also a factor in choosing Custobar”, Sandell explains. “Anyone can use Custobar, with virtually no training and no technical background.”

Solutions, even inventing new ones

Niko Sandell has been most impressed with the analytics Custobar provides. They get real time multichannel customer data, which is exceptional in a marketing automation tool. Then again, Custobar is not a mere marketing automation system, it is also a customer data platform.

M Room is also very happy with Custobar’s customer service and Custobar’s willingness to take the software to new levels.

“All the basics are superb”, Sandell tells. “But the way Custobar is future-oriented is phenomenal. Whereas talk of new technologies, applications and APIs usually gets the bigger players to back down, the message from Custobar is ‘Cool, let’s do this!’”