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WooCommerce integration

Our WooCommerce integration is a powerful solution that allows you to synchronise customer and sales data between your WooCommerce store and Custobar. 

This integration enables you to create personalised, multi-channel campaigns and utilise customer-accessible data to execute targeted communication in Custobar.

Integration features

  • Customer matching: The WooCommerce integration retrieves and synchronises customer information between your WooCommerce store and Custobar, ensuring your customer data is always up-to-date.
  • Drag-and-drop products: Drag WooCommerce products with images, descriptions, current prices, discounts, and availability into your newsletters and automation.
  • Use of online purchases and customer behaviour: Use data on online purchases and customer behaviour, like browsing, to create targeted communication and personalised campaigns.


  • Actionable customer data: Custobar's WooCommerce integration makes your customer data accessible and allows you to use it for personalised campaigns and marketing automations.
  • Creation of personal and trackable multi-channel campaigns: Use your customers, sales, events and product data from WooCommerce to create personalised campaigns and automations and track the success of your marketing activities.
  • Combination of customer data and sales data from different channels: Combine data from various channels, such as physical stores or mobile apps, to gain comprehensive insights into your WooCommerce data and gain a complete 360-degree view of each one of your customers.

Custobar's WooCommerce integration is the ideal solution for WooCommerce merchants looking for a customer data and marketing automation platform. Leverage this integration's benefits to understand your customers better and create more effective marketing campaigns.
