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Shopware integration

The Shopware integration imports data from Custobar into Shopware 6 so that your customer data becomes usable for segmentation, marketing campaigns, and automations, enriching customer data and making it accessible in a single, user-friendly interface.

Integration features

Custobar is designed for multichannel customer businesses looking to deliver an omnichannel customer experience. Connect your Shopware shop to the Custobar CDP and Marketing Automation platform to

  • Make your customer data accessible
  • Create personal and trackable multi-channel campaigns
  • Combine customer and sales data from any channel, for example, physical stores or mobile app

The Custobar integration is available for all supported versions of Shopware 6.



  • Accessible and actionable customer data: The Shopware integration makes your customer data from Shopware 6 easily accessible and allows you to take action based on that data. Gain insights into your customers' behavior and preferences.
  • Personalised and trackable campaigns: Utilise the power of Custobar's marketing automation platform to create personalised and trackable multi-channel campaigns. Deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time.
  • Combine data from multiple channels: Combine customer and sales data from various channels with your data from Shopware 6, including physical stores and mobile apps, to get a comprehensive view of your customers and their interactions.
  • Enhance marketing strategies: Utilise the enriched data collected from third-party apps to enhance your marketing strategies. Incorporate rewards and loyalty program data to create more targeted and effective campaigns.

How it works

The integration installs the Custobar.js tracking script and keeps your data constantly updated as it synchronises customers, products (including variants) and sales data from Shopware 6 to Custobar once an hour. The Custobar tracking script lets you gather customers’ behavioural data, like browsing or adding products to their basket, from your Shopware store. All that data enables you to segment your customers based on any of the data points and create perfectly targeted actions and campaigns based on that data.

See How to connect my Shopware 6 store to Custobar for step-by-step instructions on how to integrate Custobar into Shopware. Or take a closer look at how Custobar is featured on the Shopware website